Being Productive

Sat Jun 5, 2021

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Productivity – A word which each individual tries to achieve in their daily assigned tasks. Most of us get annoyed that we can not fulfill our potential in our careers and accomplish everything on our schedule. However, we rarely stop and think about the bad habits that cause a lack of productivity in the first place.

Right? We think “If I can be more motivated.. feel less tired, or have fewer tasks on my schedule, then I’ll finally be productive.” But sooner or later, you realize that you’re just giving yourself an excuse to procrastinate.

We often make productivity a lot more complicated than it needs to be. So if you want to be more productive, you first need to eliminate habits from your life that prevent you from working efficiently. Here are a few things you should stop doing, and what you should do to become more productive:

# Impulsive Web Browsing

It’s easy to get sidetracked looking up to answers for random questions as and when you think of them. Instead, jot down your questions and look out for them when you aren’t working.

# Multitasking

It’s proven that multitasking always doesn’t speed you up so you can get more done. In fact, switching between tasks slows down your work. To avoid such complexities while working, we should focus on one task at a time.

# Actively checking mails

When you allow emails to frequently interrupt it not only affects the work schedule but also tempts you to spend time reading and responding to them. To better manage emails, get your email checking restricted to a few times in a day or set reminders on your calendar to notify you.

# Moral Licensing

The idea that we “deserve” to splurge on fancy meals after being thrifty for a week is called “moral licensing”, and it undermines a lot of people’s plans for self-improvement. Instead, try making goals as part of your identity.

# Hitting the Snooze Button

The battle with your alarm clock doesn’t provide you with extra well-being sleep, and it also drains the finite supply of willpower that you need to get through the rest of the day.

# Taking too many meetings

Nothing disrupts the flow of productivity like an unnecessary meeting. Don’t accept an invitation unless there is a clear agenda and a set time limit.

# Failing to Prioritize

Having too many goals can be extremely unproductive. Prioritize and pick up the things which are most important.

# Using your phone in bed

Smartphone LED screens give off blue light, which can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the sleep cycle and makes us happier.

The complete formula of getting lucky:

Preparation (personal growth) + Attitude (Belief/mindset) + Opportunity (A Good thing coming your way) + Action (Doing something about it ) = Luck

Preparation: By consistently improving and preparing yourself- your skills, knowledge, expertise relationships, and resources

Attitude: This is where luck evades most people. It is merely a matter of seeing the situation, conversation, and circumstances as lucky.

Opportunity: It is possible to make your luck, but luckily I’m talking about here is not planned for, or it comes faster or differently than expected. In this stage of formula, luck isn’t forced, it is a natural occurrence, and it often shows up seemingly of its own accord.

Action: This is where you come in. However, this luck is delivered to you from the universe, God, the lucky charms, or whomever or whatever you associate providing your fortune now it’s your job to act on it.

So no more whining about the cards you dealt, the great defeat you suffered, or any other circumstances. Countless people have more disadvantages and more significant difficulties than you, yet they are wealthier and more fulfilled. Luck is an equal opportunity distributor.